Blog | KC's Family Tae Kwon Do

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  • Big Wins with KC's Graduation!

    Big Wins with KC's Graduation!

    Let's talk KC’s Family Tae Kwon Do – it’s not just about nailing that perfect kick or mastering self-control. There’s something incredibly heartwarming and unique happening at KC’s that goes beyond our day-to-day classes. It's the buzz of graduation ceremonies and testing weeks. More than Just a Day Picture a dance season – after months of practice, students get to shine in a grand recital. Or think of football, where all the training culminates in exhilarating games. At KC’s, our 'big game days' are our graduation ceremonies. These are the golden moments where our martial artists get to showcase the skills they’ve been refining ....

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  • Excellence in Action

    Excellence in Action

    Life leading a busy dojo is never boring. Just yesterday I observed a lil’ dragon coming in all smiles and announcing to the whole room (in full voice) how their day went. I watched big kids hanging out and making positive friendships in between classes on the patio and saw adults coming out of comfort zones and cheering for one another as they did it. These are just some of the extra and sweet experiences we get to have at our studio. It truly is beautiful to witness. But my most favorite thing to see is excellence in action- it’s one of the KC’s core values. We encourage all students to train their very best on the mat and to take it a step further by also living ....

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  • Here's How I Remember 2020

    Here's How I Remember 2020

    Today, as I write this on New Year's Eve, let’s not say "good riddance" to a year that we lived or characterize it as merely “having survived”. Take today to reminisce on and celebrate the unique and beautiful moments you were afforded by our changed daily lives. Be reminded of how you thrived! Did you complete a household project? Did you spend more time with loved ones? Were you forced to get creative in living life? Did you continue to set goals and achieve them? Did you celebrate a graduation, birthday, or anniversary? What were your best moments of 2020? For me at home and on the personal side, I refinished my kitchen cabinets, celebrated my 50th birthday last ....

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  • Respect & Understanding is Key

    Respect & Understanding is Key

    I had a guy come up to me and ask who the sensei was at my school. I introduced myself as such, to his surprise. Not sure if I’m just casual and unassuming or if his surprise was because I’m a woman. I look like any other average middle aged Mom out there. He asked me if I knew anyone in town who teaches Bruce Lee’s style. I said I didn’t. He asked if many people have criticized what we do (as a family Tae Kwon Do school) as being fake martial arts. He wasn’t being blatantly disrespectful, just asking a question and having an open and friendly conversation. I wasn’t threatened or insulted, because I don’t see my style as “better ....

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  • Living Alongside COVID

    Living Alongside COVID

    by Karen Conover It’s been four months since our lives changed dramatically. Businesses and schools closed, and life just…stopped. Well, I should say it stopped for many who are stuck in the loss. Some of us have been living a full and busy life in the last four months, while at the same time embracing changing directives and community rules. Of course it’s not easy to put aside all the expectations of “normalcy”. I should know a lot about that loss – my son missed his first real chance to be on ESPN with the karate team he loves, and he missed his “normal” high school graduation with screaming fans in the stands and lots of ....

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  • Coronavirus Life isn't Everything or Nothing. It's Yes, and...

    “Where were you when the world stopped turning….” in the Spring of 2020? Probably in your living room being bugged by kids for a third snack as you look at the clock and it’s only 10am. Yes, our lives sure have been turned upside-down with the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools are closed, people are mandated to stay at home, some have lost jobs, others worry for the future of their family business, and many fear the illness and its possible affects on their extended family and friends. In my personal life today, as I write this, I am waiting for the news of the postponement date for the US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championships. I was scheduled to write today, ....

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  • We are Grateful!

    We are so grateful for the family we've built and all of the benefits we get to experience through training with everyone here at KC's! Give the gift of KC's Family Tae Kwon Do and join us as you start your own journey in martial arts. ....

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  • Parenting and Developing the Competitive Spirit

    Parenting and Developing the Competitive Spirit

    Today I am sitting on my couch in the early morning wondering about my son and how he’s doing today. While you know him as “Mr. Chris” -- that kid that teaches Hyper classes and does cool flips and tricks, I know him as my (16-year-old) “little boy”. And yesterday, I dropped him off at the airport for solo travel to Philadelphia for the Amerikick Internationals NASKA Tournament. Competing is his passion, it has been since he was 5 years old. Parenting him is my mine. I’m just like any other parent. I want my child to succeed. I want him to be happy, inspired, and strong in his endeavors. Ever since my son was little, he has said he wants to be a ....

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  • Get the Mindset to Excellence!

    Get the Mindset to Excellence!

    To get into the right mindset for achieving excellence, one way is to consider how we train as a KC's student and ask ourselves -- Why do we do martial arts? To collect stripes and belts or to be great at something? Our rational minds will usually answer – “to be great at something.” But we should also look at our actions to see if we are telling the truth to ourselves here. One who works to be great at something continues to train and practice a technique towards perfection, not only in anticipation of a stripe or belt test that’s coming. And those who continue to practice it long after, show true black belt attitude. This is one reason why we try to get ....

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  • KC's Summer Camps are Amazing!

    KC's Summer Camps are Amazing!

    Yes, even if I do say so myself. Today I am sitting in the quiet aftermath of our first day of four weeks of summer camps --that couple of precious hours between the morning kids camp and the afternoon/evening classes for all of our age groups. It’s my time to recharge and work on the school administrative stuff before students come for their tae kwon do classes. I’m finally cooled off and have a few moments to think about why this morning’s first day of summer camp was so incredible and how it is setting the tone for students and myself for an amazing summer! Our beginner camps center around the Martial Arts Athlete and learning what that’s all about -- that ....

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